2023: aug Solo Expo "Art et Escalade" in Orpierre, la France.
2019: aug-sept Expo "Lost Genetics elements in Arts" Gallery Grang de Paul in Den Bosch.

2018/19: june-july Group Expo in Hilton Hotel Paris, Charles de Gaullle, France
2018: maart - sept Expo "De ronde tafel" huisartsenpraktijk in Hoevelaken.
2017: dec Expo Gallery Grang de Paul in Den Bosch
2017: maart Zomer Expo "Water"
2016: dec - jan Expo Gallery Grang de Paul Art, groeps expo "Eternal Life".
2016: nov Group Expo "The night of Arts" in C-Lab Kunst West in Amsterdam.
2016: sept Expo Live action painting on a coffin designed by Hans Denijs on a funeral expo.
2016: sept Group Expo "Pintar Rapido" live action painting in Posthoorn kerk Amsterdam Jordaan.
2016: juni Expo "Paintings of Burkina Faso" in Lola Luid in Amsterdam West.
2016: april-juni Group Expo "Lente , vruchtbaarheid met Lex, about the beauty of art and life!" in Gallery Grang de Paul in Den Bosch.
2016: jan - feb Group Expo "Typical Dutch" in Gallery & Artcafé Rogier Jonk in Bergen, Noord-Holland.
2015: april - mei Expo "Hello spiritual continent" in Gallery Grang de Paul in Den Bosch.
2015: maart - april Group Expo in Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.
2014/15: dec - maart Expo in 5 star Hotel Pulitzer in Amsterdam centrum.
2014: nov Group Expo "Medicinal Power of Flora" in Gallery Grang de Paul in Den bosch.

2014: mei Expo "Open Ateliers Jordaan" in Amsterdam.
2013: july - oct Expo bij Jonker & van Rijn fysiotherapeuten in Amsterdam

2013: jan-feb Expo in Pand020 in Amsterdam.

2013: jan-feb Expo Live action painting in Galerie De Stoker in Amsterdam.

2012/2013 nov-jan Expo "Unvisible vieuws" in het spirituele centrum "De Roos" in Amsterdam.

2012: sept Group Expo "Anual Dutch Art Fair" in the fashion centre in Amsterdam.

2011: april Live action painting in Gallery De Stoker in Amsterdam.

2011: april Group Expo of small paintings 20x20 cm in Gallery De Stoker in Amsterdam.

2010/11: dec - feb Solo Expo in Gallery Charlotte Lugt in Amsterdam Jordaan.

2010: mai Expo Open Ateliers Jordaan, Amsterdam

2010: mei - juni Solo Expo in Gallery Charlotte Lugt in de Jordaan, centrum van Amsterdam.
2010: Art Expo in mountain magazine "Hoogtelijn" (Dutch Alpine Federation)

2010: april Expo Live Action Painting in Gallery De Stoker in Amsterdam.

2009/10: nov - jan Group Expo in Walls Gallery in Amsterdam Center
2009: Participation on the Artist Website "www.Kunstinzicht.nl"

2009: sept Group Expo at the "Dutch Art Fair" at 'de Jaarbeurs' in Utrecht.

2009: april - may Solo Expo at Gallery Charlotte Lught, Jordaan Amsterdam.

2009: April Month of the portrets in Gallery De Stoker in Amsterdam.

2008: Solo Expo in Amstelveen in Amsterdam.
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